JCCP:Japan Cooperation Center, Petroleum

Outline of JCCP Regular Course IT-1-11

Course Number IT-1-11
Course Title Turnaround and Inspection (T&I)
Date Nov.21 - Dec. 2, 2011
    1.To learn the best practices in maintenance methods, scheduling, planning and technologies of Japanese refineries with emphasis on safety management and TPM* activity
    2.To compare Japanese maintenance work processes of plant turnaround, with emphasis on preventive maintenance and reliability, to the processes of the participants’ refineries

* TPM: Total Productive Maintenance (Management)
Main Topics
    1.Maintenance Management & Safety Management in Japanese Refineries
    2.Visit to:
        ・a refinery
        ・an engineering company
        ・a vessel manufacturer
        ・a boiler and turbine manufacturer
        ・an inspection company
        ・a plant maintenance company
Mechanical engineers in the turnaround or maintenance areas of oil refineries with a university degree and at least five years’ experience, or those with equivalent qualifications
Number of Participants 10
Course Fee ¥0
Tentative Deadline for Application September 19, 2011

* Further course details will be announced three (3) months before the start of the course.