JCCP:Japan Cooperation Center, Petroleum

Outline of JCCP Regular Course TR-3-15

Course Number TR-3-15
Course Title Upgrading Processes of Heavy Oil
Date May.12-May29, 2015
To provide knowledge of heavy oil upgrading processes, with a focus on cracking and hydrotreating processes
Main Topics
Participants will acquire knowledge of heavy oil upgrading processes, such as through an examination of topics on cracking units and sulfur-free gasoline, dynamic simulator practice of FCC, and LP simulator learning.
1.	Necessity of upgrading heavy oil
2.	Hydrotreating processes
3.	Thermal and catalytic cracking processes
4.	Gasification
5.	Selection and combination of upgrading processes
6.	Catalyst for upgrading processes
7.	Dynamic simulator practice of FCC
8.	Linear Programming
9.	Visit to:
.	Refineries
.	A catalyst research institute
.	A catalyst manufacturer
Number of Participants 12
Course Fee \0
Tentative Deadline for Application March 9, 2015

* Further course details will be announced three (3) months before the start of the course.